Oct 28
5 min read

SoundCloud vs Spotify: Which Is the Better Music Platform?

Artists stuck choosing between SoundCloud vs Spotify need to consider their differences. Here’s a guide to help you choose the right platform for your music.
SoundCloud vs Spotify: Which Is the Better Music Platform?

SoundCloud vs Spotify: Which Is the Better Music Platform?

For years, the music industry has undergone enormous changes and will continue to do so in the future. Today, though, choosing between SoundCloud vs Spotify is one of the most considerable debates.

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SoundCloud and Spotify have impressive features that can help transform a musician’s ideas into successes. 

As two giant streaming platforms, knowing which one to choose can be challenging both for new and experienced artists.

SoundCloud vs Spotify

When debating between the two most popular streaming platforms, there’s plenty to consider. Not only do you want a source that will gather the most views, but it also needs to be easy for listeners to use.

Let’s explore some of the major differences between the two to help you pick the right platform to use.

Social Media Sharing (Winner: Both)

Both Spotify and SoundCloud understand the importance of using social media to boost an artist’s popularity. You can easily link your music to your Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media profile with both platforms. By enabling sharing options, it’s fast and efficient for users to share your music with their friends and followers.

You must also manage your other socials to drive traffic to your music platforms. You’ll undoubtedly want to consider buying soundcloud plays and followers to boost your engagement, encouraging more listeners to check out your music. Remember, the more popular you appear to the everyday listener, the easier it will be to attract new followers.

With services like Stormlikes, acquiring a substantial follower base on Instagram is simple. All you have to do is purchase an engagement package that best suits your needs, whether you want to buy soundcloud followers or likes. From there, ensure your SoundCloud or Spotify are linked to your profile to boost awareness of your art.

Ease of Use (Winner: Spotify)

By far, the most notable advantage that Spotify has over other streaming platforms is its ease of use. The straightforward and streamlined user interface is quick and effortless to use. Users can search for song names, artists, album titles, and even user-made playlists.

In fact, the entire interface is one of the most intuitive you’re likely to come across. Not only does it work seamlessly on desktops but also on mobile through the Spotify app. Users can quickly create profiles and begin listening to music within seconds.

When it comes to finding a platform that your listeners will love using, Spotify is the clear winner. They can customize playlists, like and favorite songs, as well as easily share tracks with friends.

Music Discovery (Winner: Spotify)

One of the most remarkable features of Spotify is how the platform combines social media with music. At its core, music is a social thing shared among friends and inner circles. The platform takes advantage of this, offering several music discovery features artists love.

Not only can your tracks get recommended in popular playlists, but they can also be easily shared. Users can add your songs to public playlists, attracting other listeners to access your content. Also, the Friend Feed has the benefit of showing friends what every listener is listening to.

Friends can work together on the platform to create sharable playlists, which is another huge advantage. With this alone, you can increase traffic to your tracks ten-fold without any extra effort. By far, Spotify is the winner when it comes to discovering new music.

Uploading Freedom (Winner: SoundCloud)

Sure, Spotify is an excellent resource for established artists, but SoundCloud is the clear winner for independents. Anyone can upload their music to the platform using a free account, making it an iconic solution. Whether recording in your bedroom or a studio, you can access the same features to publish your music.

This feature is what makes SoundCloud stand out from the rest, as it’s marketed toward small, independent creators. You won’t have to go through any approval processes or acquire a certain number of streams to be accepted. That’s why there are over 200 million tracks on the platform to date.

Feature-Packed Free Version (Winner: SoundCloud)

Another huge advantage that SoundCloud has over Spotify is the functionality of free accounts. The cost of Spotify can be expensive over time, especially for budget-conscious listeners. However, SoundCloud gives plenty of tools to free users.

Like Spotify, there are ads with a free account, but they rarely interfere with your listening. Also, as an artist, you can acquire a percentage of ads played on your music, which is a massive plus for the platform. Another significant benefit for free users is the amount of music you can upload at a time.

With SoundCloud, artists looking to upload content can put up three hours’ worth of music. For the majority of artists, this is more than enough multiple full albums and EPs. On the other hand, if you need more uploading time, you can always upgrade to SoundCloud Pro.

Algorithm-Friendly Playlists (Winner: Spotify)

Enhancing the discoverability of your music is something every artist needs. Even the most popular musicians require a little bit of optimization to boost their music’s popularity. As mentioned, Spotify is the winner for discoverability among friends, but it’s also remarkable for all of the platform’s users.

With the enhanced algorithms built into the platform, artists have a better chance at reaching 365 million monthly users. When your music is indexed on Spotify, there are multiple avenues for exposure. One of the most prevalent is to be curated into Spotify-specific playlists, hand-chosen by music experts.

Another way is algorithm-based playlists, which are available to anyone on the platform. Release Radar and Discover Weekly are curated for each specific user based on their listening history. The tracks in the two playlists are refreshed weekly, always giving listeners a taste of something new.

Outside of these two options, users can also come across your music while listening to their own playlists. At the end of a playlist, Spotify continues playing recommended tracks based on listening history. If your track falls within a genre someone has shown interest in, the song will be recommended to them.

Underground Music Accessibility (Winner: SoundCloud)

There’s no doubt that when considering SoundCloud vs Spotify, the former’s underground culture is phenomenal. The majority of the platform’s library is comprised of music from small, independent artists. That said, all of the tools and marketing are targeted primarily toward underground artists.

Many famous rappers you know today got their start on SoundCloud, ranging from Travis Scott to Post Malone. It’s also a phenomenal scene for EDM artists, allowing you to reach a larger audience with less effort. If you’re looking for a platform designed to reduce the competition between small and large musicians, SoundCloud is ideal.

Private Sharing (Winner: SoundCloud)

Got an upcoming album release but want to start the hype around your tracks early? In this case, you’ll want an easily shared file you can distribute to loyal fans, blogs, and other personalities. SoundCloud makes this exceptionally simple with the addition of private sharing.

Artists can generate private links for individual tracks or entire albums so that you can distribute them as needed. Listeners can then access these hidden songs through the link, experiencing an exclusive debut. It also gives you the ability to private existing tracks, so they’re no longer publicly accessible.

Which Is Better?

When deciding between SoundCloud vs Spotify, there are many differences to note. SoundCloud is clearly designed for small, independent artists, while Spotify is best suited for established musicians. Both platforms have experienced success, but SoundCloud’s opportunity for growth is very intriguing.

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