Bailey Turner
Bailey Turner
Apr 19
5 min read

How to See What Someone Likes on Instagram?

This is how to see what other people like on Instagram. This article is brought to you for free by Stormlikes. Read more here.
How to See What Someone Likes on Instagram?

How to See What Someone Likes on Instagram?

Instagram is a massive social media platform that took the world by storm in 2010. After a decade of growth, Instagram is still one of the most popular apps globally, and there are more than 1 billion users around the world. In the US alone, more than 112 million people sign in to use the app every single day!

The platform’s primary focus has always held firm to the simple concept of photo and video content sharing, but it has continued to streamline and adjust features every year. In 2019, Instagram made a surprising change that altered the way influencers market themselves and spread awareness on the platform – the Following tab disappeared from the activity feed.


How do you see what someone likes on Instagram in 2023?

The answer used to be incredibly simple! Outdated guides used to explain how you could track your network’s activity with the tap of a button. Now, it’s much more complicated.

In truth, there is no convenient or straightforward way to see what someone likes on Instagram. At the end of 2019, Instagram changed the game and created an isolated activity tab that only highlights the activity on your posts. Users can no longer see the likes, comments, shares, new follows, and other activity that was curated from people that they follow. This simplified activity page has changed how marketers approach Instagram, and it’s another reason why it’s so important to buy real likes.

Officially, Instagram reported that the Following activity tab was rarely used, so they eliminated it to simplify the app and keep up with current user trends. However, many social media commentators speculate that it’s also part of Instagram’s strategy to combat fake bots and support mental health. Shortly after Instagram removed the Following feed, they also removed public access to see the total number of likes on an image.

So, what can you do instead? The Following feed is no longer a viable option to see other users’ activity.

  1. Manually explore Instagram likes and use your activity as a jumping-off point.

By closing the door on your Following old feed, Instagram urges all users to take a more personal approach to the app. It’s time to focus on yourself. Even though there isn’t a central location to see what other people like on the app anymore, you can easily access all of your own liked images. Inside settings, the profile tab contains a collection of all of the images that you took the time to double-tap on the platform. Start there and explore!

  1. Start a conversation by asking what users like on Instagram.

Sliding into DMs is a bold move, but it could pay off. Ever since Instagram’s easy solution disappeared, and the Following tab was taken down, users need to get more creative. Be direct and send a message asking to share something that they liked most during the week. Although the results will be incredibly limited compared to previous social stalking methods, you’ll likely gain more meaningful and relevant insights when the person sends you a handpicked image or video. Use that information to shape your future content and style!

  1. Think bigger and use the Explore feed to track widespread audience trends or engagement.

Instead of watching engagement in the activity feed and tracking a web of likes, follows, and comments, users have shifted over to the Explore page. The Explore feed is comprehensive, and it’s not narrowed down to a particular user’s follow list, but it is still deeply tied to personal activity. The algorithm provides fresh content based on the user’s audience, Instagram, like history, trending content, and the kind of popular content that they have engaged within the past.

  1. Use a third-party tool to keep tabs on Instagram followers and track activity.

There are a wide variety of third-party apps that provide more in-depth analytics for Instagram influencers and businesses. The native Instagram app does have built-in analytics tools for business accounts, but it’s limited to standard reports. Some social tools are free, but most require costly monthly membership fees to track activity and post engagement beyond what you can see on your posts.

Luckily, with Stormlikes, you don’t need to see what other people like on Instagram because your account will be flooded with activity. Now you can buy Instagram likes and boost your account with genuine engagement at an affordable price. Give your account some love with real likes that can help you land on top of the Explore page!

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