Bailey Turner
Bailey Turner
May 21
5 min read

How to Become Popular on Instagram and Gain a Massive Following

There are different things you can do to gain a following on Instagram. Check out our guide here to learn more about how to become popular on Instagram...
How to Become Popular on Instagram and Gain a Massive Following

How to Become Popular on Instagram

Instagram has over one billion users–in such a giant platform, how is your new account going to get noticed?

If you’re wondering how to become popular on Instagram, you’re not alone. It’s something many people struggle with, especially when trying to grow a new account for personal or business use.

The good news is that there are quite a few tricks and tips used by the Instagram pros. If you’re ready to get started, read on to learn how to grow a massive following on Instagram

along with how to create a gorgeous Instagram grid that users will find irresistible!

Post Daily

If you want to build up a large following on Instagram, consistency is king.

Try to post a photo daily, around the same time each day. This way, your fans will start to know when they can expect to see your latest post, and will be looking forward to it.

If you have a business account, you can also take advantage of a useful feature in your Insights, found in Settings. Look for the Audience tab, which then shows you the times of day that your followers are most active.

Try to post at the time of day when your audience is most active, as this increases the chances of your post being seen.

Always geotag your posts as well, as they will then show up whenever anyone searches for that location.

How to Become Popular on Instagram? Engage With Your Followers?

It’s called social media for a reason! If you want more followers, engage with the ones you already have to show you’re genuine.

If someone leaves a comment on one of your photos, write a thoughtful response back to them and consider leaving a comment on one of their photos in return.

Should your account not show any authenticity in engagement, people are likely going to be put off by this and not want to follow you, as Instagram is all about connecting with one another.

Pick a Niche for Your Account

One thing you’ll notice about many popular Instagram accounts is that they tend to have a specific theme, or niche.

It can help to focus on a niche when trying to grow your account. This way, you’ll attract followers who have similar interests.

Once you choose a niche, try to stick with it. For example, if you build up a food account, and then start posting photos of your new baby, it’s going to confuse your followers, who come to your feed looking for beautiful food shots and recipes, not baby tips.

If your account is more generalized, it will be harder to work with brands later on, as they are looking for accounts that align with their interests. If you post everything from family photos, vacations, or funny memes, why would someone want to follow you?

Are you building up your Instagram account to hopefully monetize it? If so, you might want to pick one of the most profitable Instagram niches.

They include travel, health and fitness, and beauty. You can still do well with more specialized niches, but it may be harder to grow.

Edit Your Photos Consistently

Ever wonder how professional Instagrammers get their feed to look so consistent, like something out of a glossy magazine?

Usually, the secret is photo editing— especially, Lightroom Presets. Although it takes a bit of time, it’s worth editing your photos before posting. Avoid the filters included in Instagram, as no professional Instagrammers are using them anymore.

If you use Adobe Lightroom, a photo editing software, you can either purchase or make your own Presets, filters that can easily be applied to any photo.

By using the same Presets over and over, your photos will all have the same look and feel, whether it’s pale pink sunsets, moody shadows, or bright and cheerful.

Edit photos to crop, brighten, add contrast, and turn an average photo into a spectacular one.

If you don’t use Lightroom, use a free photo editing tool to give your photos the professional edge they need to attract new followers.

Buy Instagram Followers (The Right Way)

Sometimes, you need a quick boost to get your Instagram the help it needs. Are you looking for the best place to buy Instagram followers? If so, we can help.

Look for a company that guarantees high-quality followers, not bots that will disappear. We provide 24/7 customer service and instant delivery, so no need for stressful waiting periods that you might encounter with other companies.

Buying real followers can help your account get noticed sooner, as followers are more likely to follow an account that already appears established.

We can customize your order, no matter how many followers you’re looking to gain.

Like and Comment on Similar Accounts

Do you like and comment on accounts similar to yours? If not, you’re missing out on a big opportunity to find new followers.

If you engage with other accounts, they may like your content and follow you. Or, their followers might see your comment and be motivated to check out your account. You can also look for hashtags such as #likeforlike or #followforfollow, which means the user will return the favor of your like or follow.

It’s an easy way to help your account get noticed. But, your comments should be specific and meaningful, not just a generic ‘great post!’.

You can also get noticed if your own posts quickly gain a lot of likes after posting. This is a signal to Instagram that your post is of interest, and it’s more likely to shop up on the Explore page or at the top of people’s feeds.

To give your newest posts an easy boost, buy Instagram likes to help your post get attention.

With instant likes for your new posts, you’ll get more attention and start to get noticed as an influencer.

Use Instagram Stories

Have you checked out Instagram stories? They are a fun way to share snippets of your day, short videos, and photos that only appear for 24 hours.

When posting a story, you can tag businesses, add hashtags, or include a location. Each tag gives you an opportunity to be found by anyone searching for that tag.

You can also add gifs, cute stickers, polls, and question fields, creating lots of ways for you to interact with your fans. Try asking them questions or designing short polls to encourage engagement.

Stories are also a low-pressure way to give followers an insight into your personality. Because they aren’t permanent, you can use them without as much thought as you put into curating your main feed.

However, you can save your favorite stories on your highlights reel, letting users watch them later.

Host a Giveaway

Everyone loves a freebie! To grow your account, try hosting a giveaway. Require entrants to follow you and tag a friend— this will both give your account a boost and get noticed by a whole new group of people.

People are often glad to follow someone new if it means they have a chance of winning a great prize.

If you already have a decent-sized following, you may be able to work with a brand to sponsor the contest and provide a prize. Otherwise, you can purchase the prize yourself and mail it out to the contest winner.

Try to make the giveaway relevant to your account, such as a cookbook for a health or fitness account.

Use the Right Hashtags

Using hashtags correctly is essential to get noticed on Instagram. The system lets you use up to 30 hashtags per post, but you don’t need to use that many to be successful.

When researching hashtags, check out other accounts in your niche to see what is trending. Any word or phrase can be a hashtag, so you can even make up your own to help with your branding.

When selecting hashtags, search first for how many posts are using the hashtag. If it’s in the millions, your post is likely to get lost in the mix. But, if the hashtag only has a few hundred, the odds of other people searching for it are quite low.

Try to go for a mix of a few hashtags in the thousands and a few in the tens of thousands for the best chance of being found.

Start Growing Your Instagram Account Now

Hopefully you now have a better understanding of how to become popular on Instagram! Once you have a huge Instagram following, you can become an influencer, make money from sponsored posts, or just enjoy the fun that comes with running a big account.

Contact us for help with all things Instagram. We can assist with authentic, long-lasting account growth by providing high-quality followers and likes.

What are you waiting for? Our friendly team looks forward to hearing from you and we are excited to help you increase your followers today! 

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