Maddy Osman
Maddy Osman
Oct 12
5 min read

Considerations to Find the Best Site to Buy Instagram Followers

Building an Instagram following is challenging. By finding the best site to buy Instagram followers you can increase your presence without the headache
Considerations to Find the Best Site to Buy Instagram Followers

How to Choose the Best Sites to Buy Instagram Followers and Likes

Building a social media following has an inherent promise: If you put out good content, you’ll cultivate a following. 

It’s much like the quote from the 1989 classic Field of Dreams, “If you build it, they will come.” 

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But sometimes, it’s not that easy. You might have worked tirelessly to create a strong Instagram presence, but you’re still waiting on users to follow you. 

If your patience is wearing thin, there are ways to speed up the process. Buying Instagram followers and likes is a great way to boost your business and attract real engagement with your account. 

Finding the best site to buy Instagram followers requires setting your goals and weighing different factors, like cost, retention, and customer service. 

By assessing different qualities, you can pick a company you can trust, like Stormlikes, that lets you buy real Instagram followers for affordable prices. 

Here you’ll learn: 

  • Why an Instagram following is important 

  • The benefit of buying Instagram followers and likes

  • The risks to avoid when buying Instagram followers and likes

  • How to decide on the best site to buy Instagram followers 

Why Instagram Followers Are Important 

Word of mouth is significant. According to Chatter Matters: the 2018 Word of Mouth Report, 83% of Americans say a family member or friend’s recommendation makes them more likely to purchase an item or service. 

Businesses can leverage their social media presence to make money on Instagram. More followers equal more audience for your business. 

Research shows the average time spent on Instagram is 53 minutes a day. The platform also boasts 500 million daily active users. That’s many potential customers for your business, and you want your posts to reach them. 

The Instagram algorithm depends on engagement. It fills users’ feeds with posts; it believes the user will like based on past activity. 

Followers lend credibility to your brand. Users want to see what other users like on Instagram. The more followers and likes you have, the higher your social proof. Higher numbers attract more people to your page. 

Potential customers will trust you more if you have a substantial following. An account with no engagement and a low follower count will be unlikely to appeal to new possible followers. 

The Benefit of Buying Instagram Followers

Generating an Instagram audience can take time. 

Not everyone is nature filmmaker David Attenborough, who currently holds the record as the fastest person to reach one million followers, doing so in just four hours and 44 minutes. 

benefits of buying followers

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There are many ways to get organic Instagram engagement. But those strategies can take a lot of time and effort. And in the end, it’s still up to chance. There’s no guarantee those strategies will pay off. 

Buying Instagram followers empowers you to take control of your social media presence. 

Whether you’re first starting or hitting a plateau in growth, choosing to buy Instagram followers can help attract more business and could improve your ranking. 

By finding the best site to buy Instagram followers according to your preferences, you set yourself up for future success. 

Risks of Buying Instagram Followers

You might be concerned with the risks associated with purchasing Instagram activity. There are advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Buying Instagram Followers:

  • Supplements your numbers quickly. 

  • Saves time 

  • Can be cost-effective 

  • Can lead to more organic growth 

  • Makes your profile more attractive

Disadvantages of Buying Instagram Followers: 

  • Distorts potential sales numbers 

  • Makes it harder to gauge if your social media strategies are paying off 

  • Can get you in trouble with Instagram

  • Can feel questionable 

Buying Instagram followers doesn’t have to be a shady business dealing. It all depends on the website you choose. 

After Instagram purged some of its fake activity in 2019, users have become apprehensive about buying Instagram followers. There’s a fear of punishment from the platform. 

Instagram doesn’t have a clearcut follow-through when dealing with fake activity on its accounts. There’s a chance Instagram might clear any suspected fraudulent followers, but it’s highly unlikely your account would get suspended. And there are ways to avoid that risk.  

While buying fake Instagram engagement goes against Instagram’s terms of service, some sites offer real followers from genuine profiles. 

If you spend time looking for the best site to buy Instagram followers for your needs, you can find a company you trust that doesn’t violate Instagram’s terms. 

How to Buy Instagram Activity

Many companies let you buy Instagram followers, likes, and views. They all have different approaches. With some research, you can find a website that fits your priorities.

Before you choose where to buy Instagram followers, you have to pinpoint your social media strategy, so you get the most out of your new followers. 

Questions you should ask yourself include: 

  • What is my goal by increasing my Instagram followers? 

  • What’s my budget?

  • What’s my target number? 

  • What are my safety and privacy concerns?

These answers will guide your decision making. Choosing the wrong company can result in an unnecessary headache for you, but it’s easy to avoid any potential pitfalls.

Considerations to Determine the Best Site to Buy Instagram Followers

  • Cost

  • Speed of delivery 

  • Safety 

  • Authenticity of followers 

  • Retention

  • Customer service 

  • Reputation and reviews

  • Offerings


Some websites can quickly wipe out your bank account, and in the end, deliver ho-hum results. Find a website that lets you buy Instagram followers and likes at a cost-effective price. 

Time is money. You want to choose a website that saves you time generating new followers. 


Speaking of time, the speed of delivery is another crucial factor. When you decide to buy Instagram followers, you don’t want to wait another few weeks for them to start coming. 

Pick a company that promises results fast. 

However, also be wary of how fast new followers come after the initial delivery. Five hundred new followers instantly might alert Instagram to suspicious behavior. 

Certain services allow you to control the speed of when your followers or likes arrive. 


Any internet dealing can be subject to scams. Buying Instagram followers is no different, so protect your information. 

If it feels sketchy giving out your Instagram password, trust that feeling. 

Gaining new followers and likes doesn’t require your password. Select a company that doesn’t need it. 

The companies that ask for your login information are also on Instagram’s radar. If Instagram suspects fraudulent activity, they might ask you to change your password, which would undermine any benefits from the service you bought. 

Authenticity of Activity

Most people can spot a fake profile from a mile away. Your customers will know if your followers are just bots with hollow profiles. Fake Instagram likes also hurt your brand. 

Pick a company that offers real followers from genuine accounts. 


One of the biggest concerns, when you buy Instagram followers, is that those follows will disappear quickly. It’s not helpful to purchase activity that goes away in a few weeks. 

Choose a trustworthy company that guarantees your followers will stay put. 

Customer Service

You want a company that will be there for you if you have any questions or concerns. 

Good customer service shows the company cares about its customers, not just the money. 

Reputation and Reviews

Finding the best site to buy Instagram followers should include research. Some companies engage in shady practices like identity theft or phishing schemes. Make sure the company isn’t hiding any skeletons in its closet.

In addition to its history, check out a company’s feedback. Heed the advice of others, and find a company that has positive reviews


A one-stop-shop for all your Instagram activity will save you the hassle of using multiple services. Finding a website that lets you buy Instagram followers and likes and views gives you options in one place. 

Choose a Trusted Company like Stormlikes

Stormlikes strives to be the best site to buy Instagram followers. We are committed to our customers by delivering high-quality followers. 


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We’re different from scammers because we guarantee real followers. We don’t use spambots with fake accounts. Instead, we provide followers that behave realistically and naturally. 

Plus, our followers don’t disappear after a short period.

Instant delivery is guaranteed, but you can choose if you want gradual or instant distribution.

We don’t ask for your password, so your information stays safe with you. 

Stormlikes offers affordable packages for any budget. We also provide Instagram likes and views on our website, so you can mix and match to serve your goals. 

If you have any questions, our customer service is here to help. With our packages, we offer 24/7 live support, as well. 

Final Thoughts: How to Find the Best Site to Buy Instagram Followers and Likes

Instagram followers are essential when expanding your reach on social media. Selecting where to buy Instagram followers securely and substantially can help your follower count grow exponentially.

Choosing the best site to buy Instagram followers is a matter of assessing companies based on factors including follower retention, safety, and avoiding fake Instagram traffic. 

A company like Stormlikes delivers reliable service and promises real followers. 

Are you ready to grow your Instagram following? Check out Stormlikes

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